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History of the Concordat on Openness

In October 2012, over 40 organisations involved with bioscience in the UK signed a Declaration on Openness on Animal Research. They committed to developing a Concordat setting out how they would be more open about the ways in which animals are used in scientific, medical and veterinary research in the UK. The Concordat was launched by Understanding Animal Research on 14th May 2014.

Who wrote the Concordat?

A Steering Group oversaw the development of the Concordat, and a Working Group represented the interests of the Declaration signatories as the document was written.

Steering Group membership

Hannah Hobson (UAR)
Wendy Jarrett (UAR, Secretariat)
Dr Kate Millar (University of Nottingham)
Dr Vicky Robinson (NC3Rs)
David Taylor (Patient representative)
Dr Geoff Watts (Journalist, Chair)
Professor Dominic Wells (Royal Veterinary

Working Group membership

Jamie Arrowsmith (Universities UK)
Laura Bellingan (Society of Biology)
Alexis Gilbert (Wellcome Trust)
Elisabeth Harley (UAR)
Edward Hayes (Physiological Society)
Abbi Hobbs (Academy of Medical Sciences)
Wendy Jarrett (UAR, Chair)
Kirk Leech (ABPI)
Emma Longridge (BBSRC)
Grace Money (MRC)
Becky Purvis (AMRC)
Frances Rawle (MRC)
Jessica Strangward (BPS)
Valerie Summers (LABA)
Edward Sykes (Science Media Centre)

Incorporating the views of the public

Understanding Animal Research conducted two pieces of public research as part of the Concordat development in order to reflect and incorporate the views of the public and the wider research community.

May 2013: Public Dialogue with Ipsos MORI

In collaboration with the Medical Research Council, the British Pharmacological Society and supporter by Sciencewise, Understanding Animal Research commissioned Ipsos MORI to conduct a Public Dialogue in order to understand what people in the UK think constitutes openness and transparency about animal research.

More information about the Public Dialogue

View the final report from the Public Dialogue

November 2013: Openness Consultation

Understanding Animal Research placed a draft of the Concordat commitments publicly on their website, and asked visitors to complete a ten minute questionnaire. The responses helped to guide the final drafting of the Concordat.

More information about the Public Consultation

View the final report from the Openness Consultation